Protecting bears

Recent Bear Attacks And Recovering From Them

Bear attacks in North American usually happen in the bears wilderness habitat. They usually involve hunters, hikers, and campers. Brown bears have hurt people in Northern and Western Canada, Alaska, and parts of the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. Black bear attacks usually happen in the Canadian Provinces and several mountainous areas in the U.S. […]

Critter Proof Garbage Cans Keep Trash Contained

Anyone who has ever found a yard filled with trash from the garbage can understand the need for critter proof garbage cans. Such containers protect the trash from stray dogs, raccoons and other critters that might thing your garbage is its next meal ticket. These cans prevent occupants from having to deal with spread garbage […]

Buying A Bear Proof Trash Can

If you live in an area of the country where bear sightings are common, it is essential to have bear proof trash containers in your home or business. If you experience damage to your yard, home or belongings, some home insurance policies cover damage by bears and other creatures, although the deductible amount can often […]

How Bear Problems Can Become Your Problems

Few animals can eat as many different types of plant and animal matter as bears, they willingly consume everything from carrion to cabbage. Since every species of bear that regularly cross paths with humans have voracious appetites and need to eat around the clock, food is a big issue. That makes it easier to understand […]