Raccoon Problems – The Right Steps And Keep Raccoon Problems To A Minimum

Raccoon problems are some of the most common complaints in suburban and even some urban neighborhoods. That’s because the more we humans encroach into the natural habitat of the raccoon, the more temptation we dangle in front of them. These animals are clever, agile and very, very hungry and they will stop at nothing to …

Get “Protected” Outdoor Trash Receptacles For Your Home

My top 2 reasons to get serious “protected” trash cans If you live in Bear country you know how bears can tear open a standard garage can to get at the contents inside. Regular garbage cans can easily rip under the strength of just one hungry bear. That means you can expect your entire week’s worth …

showing my storage unit

From: sta935@aol.com [mailto:sta935@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 12:19 PM To: kevin@bearicuda.com Subject: Re: Your Invoice from Bearicuda, Inc.   Thanks again kevin for the 75 off…. I appreciated it and have been showing my storage unit off to multiple people….I love mine and thank you very much