10 Tips for Preventing Unwanted Bear Encounters

  • Enclose garbage in an airtight plastic bag and place in a bearproof trash can or bear resistant container.
    Keep the garbage can clean and do not store in your garage.
  • Keep meat and fish frozen until discarding into trash.
  • Remove attractants from your property.
  • Feed birds only between November and April when most bears are denning.
  • Birdfeeders should be strung at least 12’ high between sturdy posts or trees, well out of reach of climbing bears.
    If the birdseed falls to the ground, clean it up.
  • Do not put sweets, meat or fish in compost. Use lime to reduce compost odors.
  • Clean barbecue grills after each use.
  • Rinse food containers before putting into bear proof trash can or recycling.
  • Remove pet food from decks, kennels, and cages.
  • Pick ripe fruit from trees and remove fallen fruit from the ground.
Extra Tips
  • Do not leave groceries or other attractants in your vehicle.
  • Keep garage doors closed to prevent bears from seeking stored birdseed and pet food.
  • Use electric fencing to protect caged and penned pets, beehives, and valuable trees.
  • Use aversive conditioning tactics to scare bears off property. Loud noises from air horns, marine whistles, or banging pots and pans can scare bears away. Blast bears with a spray from the garden hose or a super-soaker water gun.
  • Dominance posturing and vocalizations on your part (wave your arms, stomp your feet, yell at the bear) will teach bears to fear you.

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