Bear Attacks

Facts About Bear Attacks

Bear attacks on humans are uncommon, but anyone who lives or spends time in areas where bears live should be cautious.

In the U.S., there are two main species: the black bear and the grizzly.

There are more black bears than grizzlies in the U.S. Because the population is larger, the black bears have been responsible for more injuries than the grizzlies. However, black bears are less likely to cause serious injuries than grizzlies. Over the years, grizzlies have been responsible for the most fatalities.

Understanding the difference between how the two types of bears behave can help you avoid and/or survive an attack.

Playing dead, for example, is something that many people have heard is the right thing to do, but that advice refers to grizzlies, not the black species.

If you are visiting an area, such as a campground or national park, it is a good idea to learn which bears live in the area. Most bear-caused injuries occur in or around national parks or campgrounds.

Bears are motivated to attack for several reasons. Grizzly bear attacks are usually the result of a mother protecting her cubs. In approximately 70% of fatalities caused by grizzly bears, the attacker was a female with cubs.

Here’s a video of a man getting mauled by a bear.

I’m warning you it’s not a pretty site but it’ll give you an idea of their power and their strength.

Black bears are less protective of their cubs, but it is still a good idea to leave the area if you happen upon a mother bear and her cub, regardless of the species. Grizzlies are more aggressive in general because of their size and their predatory nature.

The black species can become aggressive when it is hungry and has learned to think of humans as a source of food. It is illegal to feed bears. By feeding them, you teach them to associate humans with food. There is a saying that “a fed bear is a dead bear”. Bears that learn to associate humans with food must be killed.

If a black bear attacks, the best thing to do is stand your ground, make a lot of noise and fight when necessary. The animal will usually get scared and run away. Repellant sprays can make it flee even faster.

The best way to avoid an attack is to hike in groups and make noise as you walk through the woods. In the campground, foodstuff and other smelly items should be stored a good distance away from the tent. Food can be hung in a tree or locked inside of a vehicle. Coolers should never be left outside.

Bear attacks are bad for humans and bears alike. In some cases, both the person and the animal end up dead. It is best to try to avoid an attack through following the recommended safety practices.