Bear proof cans best links of the week October 22

Sad news about friendly bears and humans


Feeding leads to deaths of five bears – Daily Inter Lake: Local/Montana –

I’ts sad because bears look cute (and they certainly can be) but over time they get use to humans and that can be very dangerous. At that point they have to be killed.

Ultimately guarding your trash is as much to save them as it is to protect yourself and the damage the bears can cause to your property.

Here’s the top 5 posts of the week:


1.) Little Falls police department warns residents of bear sightings – –

2.) Cop kills bear with no fear of people people had been feeding the young bear so frequently that it lost its fear of humans and was a threat to public safety

3.) Bear roamed foothills in Los Angeles, swimming in pools, swiping meatballs out of garage freezers

4.) Tallahassee neighborhood experiences more black bear spottings bears in the neighborhood feast on weekly trash collection B4 pickup. trash cans overturned and trash strewn all over

5.) Bear volunteer concerned about unsecured trash Are you prepared? using approved containers will go a long way to reduce possible bear-human conflicts.

That’s why we get a lot of questions about the best bear proof container.

If you have any questions or comments fire away 🙂