Bearicuda Bear Review From NJ, THE BEAR LEFT EMPTY-HANDED! Nada

Ok. So it was a little expensive. But, now I have to say it was worth it. Irene hit NJ and I lost all power midnight on 8/27. With no generator (you can bet I’ll be getting one), last night I had to throw away all of the food in my refrigerator, plus the meat and stuff in the freezer, right into my bericuda for pick-up this morning. Heard the can go down during the night. Got up this morning and couldn’t find it. The bear had dragged it across the road into a neighbor’s lawn. It’s scratched, it’s muddy, it has all kinds of claw marks on it, but THE BEAR LEFT EMPTY-HANDED! Nada. It got nothing out of the can. I’m a believer.

Pat Togno

Hardwick, NJ

Another persons view on bears in NJ – We practice garbage control, we do not put out bird feeders, we hose down our grill every time we use it and we do not feed our dogs outside. Our house has stood in the same place since the early 1800s, on never less than 8 acres of property. We are animal lovers and major supporters of dog rescue and fostering, but what one must realize is that you cannot humanize a wild animal.

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