Bear Problems: Secure Your Garbage!

Bear problems are serious and need to be properly handled.

While many people are thrilled when they see these animals, it’s dangerous for both bears and humans when these encounters become regular occurrences.

It’s important to take some precautions when you have bears in your area.

Bears and Food

One of the biggest causes of problems with bears has to do with food.

These creatures can smell food and track it for miles, often times crossing busy roads in the process. This creates danger for the bears as well as the motorists. (most bear deaths and human injuries occur due to traffic accidents)

Bears are very, very intelligent.

Once they make the connection between food and people, a bear will begin to get bold around humans. They forget their natural fear of people and become habituated.

Another words they lose their fear of humans (it becomes a habit to visit areas with humans) and can become very dangerous to pets, children and even you!

A bear that becomes dependent on people for food will have a hard time living in the wild. So you may think they’re cute and you’re helping them…

When in fact you are hurting them and your potentially signing them to a death sentence.

Many are never able to become wild bears again and like I mentioned are killed by vehicles, illegal hunting, or in an effort to protect the community. (they call it euthanizing but the fact remains they kill these beautiful animals)

Prevent Access to Food

Keeping bears away from human food sources is essential.

Let me drill this point home…
Bears are dangerous to people and can damage property.

They are also lazy and look for the easiest “free meal”.
So be mindful of your garbage cans.

Consider using a container designed to keep bears out of it.
These containers should feature locks and tough plastic.

Once a bear learns that your property is no longer an easy source of food, they will leave.

However, this can take several weeks, so be patient and consistent with your garbage containment.

Minimize bear issues by being responsible with your garbage.

Keep it locked away and secured so bears do not associate humans with food.

This is dangerous for the community, for you and for the animals.