Bearicuda Survived Its First Encounter, Happy Customer, Complaints Zero!

Hi Kevin,
Just to let you know that the Bearicuda bin survived it’s first encounter with the bear, complaints absolutely zero! The back story on this is our refrigerator compressor went out while we were gone for a week. After cleaning it out the smelliest, grossest stench began emerging from the bearicuda bin the following Saturday when I took it to the dump.
Friday night our friend came visiting so the stuff had been aging for a week and a half during our hottest week of the summer up here in the mountains. (85 to 90) It was ripe. I came out to take it to the dump and found it about 40 feet away from where it started, muddy and scuffed. It had 4 puncture wounds… two sets like these in the picture, BUT the bin was fine. I know our bear wasn’t anything like the one in your videos but this is also your least expensive unit.Our ranger said this black bear was about 350-400 lbs. and the bin held just fine. The only problem we had was because the lid was screwed on tightly, it took two of us to unscrew it because the punctures went through both the lid and the bin threads and kinda locked them together. But the bin was victorious and I am a happy customer. I am so grateful I didn’t have to clean up the mess that WOULD’VE been. Thanks!
Derrell Snider
Lake Arrowhead, CA
See attached pic~